Wednesday, February 13, 2013

Too Much Cathy, Not Enough Chloe: Why 'Dance Moms' Isn't Fun Lately

A 90-minute episode of Dance Moms would have been a delight in season 1 or even season 2, but in season 3? Not so much. The reason for the supersized ep: drama! Big surprise. There's just too much drama to show us, they can't fit it in one hour. Thanks, producers. You're not doing anyone any favors.

I read other Dance Moms blogs. I read the board on IMDB. I know I'm not the only one who holds the opinion that this season has not enjoyable. Everyone's minor faults have become their primary characteristic. Abby Lee Miller has never been the most popular person on this show, but I always liked her. It's getting more and more difficult to keep saying that. I was one of the few people who never minded Abby's screaming; I thought we were likely seeing the 50th time she gave the same instruction. But now, the screeching is getting way too personal. Perhaps that's a direction from the producers, but I don't want to watch a bunch of women scream at each other about this one's husband and this one never having a job in her life. Shouldn't all the disputes be about the dance competition?

As difficult as it's getting to be to take Abby's side, I will always, always side with her over Cathy Nesbitt-Stein. Last week, I asked you guys if you enjoyed the drama Cathy brings to the show; 85 percent of you said you wish the Cathy storyline would bite the dust, and 14 percent of you said you enjoy it. I'd love to hear from those of you who like this storyline! Tell me why, because I definitely don't understand the appeal. I'd also like to know if your opinion has changed since last night.


Perhaps passive-aggressiveness just happens to be my ultimate pet peeve. I find Cathy's behavior more disgusting, immature and over the top than Abby's. And now she's got an attack dog in one of the boys' fathers, who should be just as ashamed of himself. From the time the competition started on last night's show, I was seriously tense. It was not fun to watch at all. I will never watch this episode again. I have enough stress in my life without Cathy's passive-aggressive BS getting me all worked up.

"Oh look at the shambley mess. Did you ride in on the big old crappy bus in from Pittsburgh?"

Finally, of course, Abby cracks. She curses, and Cathy clutches her pearls and admonishes her for using "such language around children."

And then Cathy comes into the ALDC's dressing area, not once, but twice. She brings strange men into that space, where little girls are changing their clothes. I'm not insinuating anything about these men, but regardless, this is not OK. Cathy made fun of Kendall Vertes' solo. Cathy starts everything. Everything. It could be fake, it doesn't matter. Just the idea that someone has the potential to be that annoying is really scary.


The writing is in the wall: I'm going to stop watching whenever Cathy is on the screen, and eventually, I'm going to stop watching period. Unless, of course, this show returns to the less-ridiculous format it emlpyed its first season. Who remembers the scenes of Abby screaming being somewhat balanced by scenes of her throwing a pool party for her students? Taking them for ice cream? Taking them to the beach? Laughing when they all group-hugged her after being in the ocean and getting her soaked?

We need balance, producers. We need to like someone on this show besides the kids. We need to find redeeming qualities in Abby. Otherwise, this show will just become a source of stress that too many people will eventually quit. And that, friends, is the subject of today's poll.

  • Yes, it's too stressful.

  • No, I love watching these crazy people.

Created on Feb 12, 2013

What did you think of last night's supersized episode of Dance Moms? Did you even watch the whole thing? Tweet @OKMagazine (or me, @reallylsass) and let us know your thoughts.

Dance Moms

Photo credit: 

Courtesy of Lifetime

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